
Amery Art And Craft Fair

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13 Jun,2020 (Event Over - New Dates Awaited)
North Park, Usa, Wisconsin, USA

Amery Art And Craft Fair June 2020 Highlights

Event Amery Art And Craft Fair
Type TradeShows
Start Date 13 June 2020
End Date 13 June 2020
Venue North Park
City Wisconsin
Country USA
Organizer Amery Womans Club
Venue Location Map North Park, Usa, Wisconsin, USA

Amery Art And Craft Fair Info

Amery Art And Craft Fair is going to be organised at North Park, Wisconsin, USA on 13 Jun 2020. This expo is going to be a one day event. This event forays into categories like Gifts & Handicrafts.A beautiful event named Amery Art and Craft Fair is a 1 day event organized by the Amery Womans Club is going to be held on 18th June 2016. The venue is North Park in Wisconsin, USA. the majority of the fundraisers of the organizers of the show- raises the community of charitable organisation present in the event. You will observe more than 100 exhibitors surrounding the venue to showcase their variety and uniqueness along with excellent craftsmanship. If you are seeking a societal place then it is the right show for you. The organizers are looking forwards top welcome all the attendees to join the crowd at the 39th trade show of Amery Art and Craft .This event has the gathering of numerous crofters and artists from the native and neighboring areas.

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North Park


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Amery Womans Club

Polkcounty, USA